Is Imposter Syndrome Keeping You From Online Success?


Imposter syndrome is when you feel like a fake or a fraud in a certain part of your life, even if you’ve actually done well in that area. If you often doubt yourself, even in things you’re usually good at, you might have imposter syndrome.

It can make you feel restless and worried, and you might start thinking negative things about yourself. Imposter syndrome often comes with feelings of anxiety and sadness.

If you’ve been putting off building your online business, it might be because you feel like an imposter. You might think you don’t know nearly enough about online marketing to get started, or that you lack what it takes to succeed online.

And if you are having success online, you might think you’re just lucky and at any minute everyone is going to realize you’re a fraud and your house of cards will come tumbling down.

Do you know who has imposter syndrome?

  • 41% of people report having imposter syndrome.
  • 27% of other people also report having imposter syndrome.
  • And the rest of the people have imposter syndrome, too.

That’s right – sooner or later, everyone has it.

The question is, what are you going to do about it?

Imposter syndrome can be a challenging experience, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone in feeling this way. Making friends with your imposter involves cultivating self-compassion and adopting a supportive mindset towards yourself.

When you have imposter syndrome, you doubt your own accomplishments and worry that others will discover you’re faking it. Even though you have proof that you’re good at something, you feel like you’re not good enough and that luck or other outside factors are responsible for your success.

You might downplay your achievements, ignore compliments and compare yourself to others, feeling like you’re not as good. You’re scared of failing and set really high standards for yourself, which makes you anxious, stressed, and in need of reassurance.

Imposter syndrome is often seen in high-achieving people like students, professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs. Things like wanting everything to be perfect, having a stressful job, society’s expectations, and not feeling confident can all contribute to imposter syndrome.

In my next post I will reveal what some of our most well known people have to say on this subject and the effect it had on them.

In the meantime, if you feel like getting a supportive and helping hand with your business, click on this link for some free and very useful information on taking your online business to the nest level.

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