There isn’t much in the way of
making money online that Gordon
hasn’t tried.

Over far more years
than he cares to admit he has
bought products on affiliate
marketing, product creation,
selling books on Amazon, publishing
your own books and local business
promotion to name a very small

Admittedly there have been some
small successes along the way,
Gordon has not found a reliable,
repeatable method of creating a
sustainable second income through
the internet.

To be honest, working on a
shoestring budget often made
success much harder to achieve,
many of his efforts were one shot
for glory or bust. I guess you can
work out which version happened
most of the time.

Others Gordon followed meticulously
but pretty much always came up
short when the information provided
by the seller left out important
details which left him high and dry
and back to square one.

Fast forward to today.

After a successful career in
aircraft engineering Gordon has now
retired and has more time to devote
to finally proving to himself that
he can find a way to make this
internet marketing thing work.
He has connected with well known
and established marketer and
trainer Michael Cheney to embark on
a step by step, clear and well
supported journey to see just how
far he can take his new project.

Gordon freely admits to being a
technophobe, regularly totally
bemused by the seemingly illogical
way technology works sometime so
this could be some adventure.

This blog is his way of describing
his journey, recording all of the
many ups and, hopefully, fewer
downs along the way

He sincerely hopes that you enjoy
following along and is confident
that you will also find the
information useful and practical
should you wish to take the same
route to creating a second income

Away from the internet, Gordon
lives in Gloucestershire in the UK.

He enjoys walking, horse racing,
owning shares in several horses,
some more successful than others!

He has just started taking part in
walking football.

He is happy in a wonderful and
loving relationship with his
partner with whom he intends to
travel the world and have many
adventures and new experiences.